Saturday, October 27, 2018

Telechat - The Strangest French Kids Show

Earlier I was looking up videos of a '80s kid show from France called Telechat.
The telephone's face looks like Stingy from LazyTown just stuck on the top part of the telephone while the ostrich looks like Miss Finch from Follow that Bird turns herself into an ostrich.  Well at last the theme song's catchy.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

A Pink Book

Image result for Pink Panther: The Ultimate Guide to the Coolest Cat in Town!
Today a Pink Panther guide book just came. I just look it and I like it since I'm currently obsessed with the DePatie-Freleng cartoons. This book also features the movies as well.

Well then, that's all!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

I Would Now Use The Blog That Often

For everybody will notice that I'm finally going to use my blog often for some reason so good luck!!

Oh! Earlier I saw Funko is making Woody Woodpecker Funko Pops with Chilly Willy!!!
Look how cute Woody is...
...and Chilly (even eating pankcakes like on Half Baked Alaska).